
Schoolboy Health


According to a study by the RAMS center, only 3% of graduates graduate from school completely healthy. Scoliosis, gastritis, vision problems - you can protect your child from all this!

There are many reasons for the worsening situation with children's health. The well-being of an actively growing organism is affected by both objective factors (unfavorable ecological situation, a general decrease in children's immunity, difficulties with acquiring high-quality products, mutation of a number of infections, etc.), as well as quite subjective reasons (improper daily routine, unbalanced diet, excessive training loads, lack of physical activity). Putting together, all these factors form a whole complex of ailments of Russian schoolchildren, who are often sick, get tired quickly and have little time not only in the curriculum, but also in the framework of extracurricular activities. The parents are able to change the situation for the better, minimizing, first of all, the second, subjective reasons.

The constant companion of all future great geniuses is overload during school hours. It is seriously aggravated by a tight schedule, consisting of additional circles and sections with which parents generously equip their children. Excessive, age-related stresses, in turn, lead to stress and neurosis, negatively affect the general mental and physical condition of schoolchildren, exacerbating a number of concomitant diseases.Doctors have long identified a direct relationship between the number of chronic diseases acquired by students during their studies and the intensity of the curriculum. It is nevertheless worthwhile to approach the organization of schoolchildren’s time soundly, remember - the child should also have free time. As for the typical list of "school diseases", most often we will see in it a violation of the digestive system (gastritis), vision problems (myopia) and curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

The main cause of gastritis is an irregular and unbalanced diet of children during the school year. And if parents can still control breakfast at home (by the way, it is better if it includes not sandwiches, but dairy products or cereal), then with the diet during the day everything is much more complicated. Therefore, it is extremely important to convey to the child the need to have lunch at school, while not ignoring the “tasteless” soup for the sake of numerous sweets. If the school provides such an opportunity, try to pay for its lunch in advance, and limit pocket expenses during the day to the necessary minimum. In the evening, it is advisable to eat more vegetables and less heavy fatty foods, dairy products are very useful at night.

In contrast to stomach problems, visual impairment is considered to be a "disease of excellent students." However, today, coupled with the direct training load, a lot of activities outside the school, a long sitting in front of a TV or computer, and lack of walks in the fresh air have a negative effect on the eyes.If you want to preserve the child’s vision, take care of a convenient and well-lit place for homework, do not allow reading while lying down, alternate any visual loads with physical ones (they will give rest to the eyes), limit the time in front of the computer to 30-60 minutes per day (it is advisable to break it for two or three intervals with breaks) and do not forget about products that are useful for vision - fish, carrots, cabbage, cottage cheese, red berries, greens. It is very useful to periodically do special relaxing exercises for the eyes. By the way, bad posture during exercises greatly aggravates the situation with vision.

Scoliosis is the third, but not the most important, problem of schoolchildren. A fixed, static and often improper sitting position for several hours leads to the formation of stable deformations of the spine. But the problem of posture concerns not only the aesthetic side of the issue, but also the psychological one (stooped teenagers are more pinched and less sociable). And most importantly, physical (only the correct position of the body, in which the muscles are optimally strained, contributes to the full functioning of the internal organs). It is very important, especially in the elementary grades, to monitor how the child sits when doing lessons or at the computer, as well as his posture when walking. Comfortable furniture for him will be a table at the level of the elbow, and a chair - at the level of the lower leg. As for the movement, there is a very sure way to determine the correct position of the body when standing - lean the child against the wall, press the back of the head, shoulder blade, buttocks, calf and heel at the same time. Do the exercise every day - so he will quickly remember the desired position of the body and begin to move, as expected.Try not to miss the time - if the child gets used to sitting and walking “crookedly”, he will experience a constant lack of oxygen, which in turn will affect his quick fatigability and a decrease in the speed of thinking.

As for the diseases that are widespread in children's groups, this is, first of all, respiratory viral infections (flu, SARS) and head lice. This is mainly due to the active socialization of children at school age, their sociability and contact. Each of these "epidemics" is fraught with its own complications. Running colds can lead to secondary bacterial complications (rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, encephalitis, etc.) that are much more difficult to cure. Head lice is dangerous due to its rapid spread among children, including because of their unwillingness to disclose the fact of "infection with lice." Children (and parents) to the last hide such information, but this is also risky - in the absence of the necessary treatment of the head, wounds from combing are fertile ground for the penetration of a secondary infection. And in this case, "just lice" may result in more serious consequences.

Remember - how your child grows up depends on you in many ways. Pay as much time and attention to his problems as possible and do not postpone "for later" that after a few years it will be extremely difficult to fix.

Photo: PR


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