
Coffee and the city


Coffee lovers are real foodies. After all, they not only love the drink itself, they enjoy it. Everything is important for them: aroma, taste, ambient atmosphere, dishes in which coffee is served.

There are a lot of recipes for making coffee. We drink it hot and cold, with and without cream, traditional strong and oriental coffee, cappuccino and latte. Despite all this diversity, there is always room for new experiments.
Toucan Enrique, Creative Director of the coffee shop chain Coffee and the city became the inspiration for the creation of new coffee drinks, which combined secret ingredients that perfectly harmonize with coffee in certain proportions. The drinks turned out to be really tasty and aromatic, charging 100% with positive energy.
You can try new exclusive coffee drinks based on your favorite latte in the network of mini coffee houses Coffee and the city.
Gi-raff - It is a sophisticated espresso-based drink with the taste of delicate milk cream and a drop of honey syrup. The name happened for a reason, the pleasure of the drink is as long as the neck of a giraffe.
Bounty - A spicy latte-based coffee cocktail combining a bright, rich shade of chocolate and coconut pulp, which will help you travel to sunny beaches with a gentle sea breeze.
Spicy - The rich tone of the spices of the drink, combined with a dense aroma and original peppercorn reflects the spirit of distant wanderings and adventures.
Ginger - with hints of gingerbread in combination with a soft warming latte, especially for cold evenings.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
