
I like to hide in the “sewing cave” and work until I create something cool: sewing instagram of the week


Sewing for Mac is not the main activity, but she finds time for her favorite job, as she considers this a way to take care of herself.

About the page author

“First of all, I’m my wife and mother, but in my free time I like to hide in my“ sewing cave ”and work until I create something cool!” Says our today's heroine Mack. “For me, sewing is not just a hobby. It's The way in which I spend time on myself, take care of myself.When you are the mother of two beautiful, but very active, requiring attention children, when you work full time, it is easy to put yourself, your interests in last place. Sewing - and participation in the sewing community, it’s a constant reminder that you need to take the time to do what interests you. ”

Mack says that she started sewing in 2015: “My husband and I just bought a house, and I found out how expensive furniture can be! In particular, it struck me how expensive the covers for patio chairs turned out: they made our purchase of dollars more expensive by two hundred. I decided that I could do it myself, cheaper. I went to the store and bought my first, the most inexpensive sewing machine.I learned to sew on YouTube, sewing groups in social networks, and so on. "Today, Mac with the same passionate seamstress Katie organized her brand of patterns, plus - she sews a lot for herself and her family.

Sewing brings a feeling of well-being to my life: sewing instagram of the week

What is this page about

On the Mac page on Instagram, there are a lot of photos in the clothes she sewed. She characterizes her style as "casual, comfortable and everywhere appropriate." Indeed, her clothes are often universal, but among the things she sewed there are bright ones that attract attention. There is also a photo showing different options for combining clothes.

Sewing is life style for me: sewing instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

We recommend the Mac page to everyone who sews and likes to dress comfortably and conveniently, and at the same time, it is beautiful and bright.

More photos: @macsmakespace

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