
Your body - your laws, or summer "without them"


Is it time to plan a vacation? Selecting destinations, searching for tickets, choosing a swimsuit, tanning products, planning work tasks and ... comparing all plans with your "female" calendar.

Is that familiar? And how many times did the long-planned romantic dates break down? Classes at the favorite fitness club were missed, and important meetings were complicated by the fact that the female cycle dictated its conditions.
Modern technologies, which used to seem like a distant future, allow us to be very flexible: we ourselves choose a lifestyle that is convenient for us: a flexible work schedule, remote education, the ability to sign up for manicures and exercise 24 hours a day. Everything depends on us. And our body can also be flexible. We even learned to regulate our biorhythms after long flights to distant countries. And a carefree summer “without them” is no longer a distant future, but the existing reality.
“Numerous surveys show the negative attitude of most women to monthly menstruation - some would like to have them once every three months, others once every six months, and still others to postpone them for a longer period. In the 21st century, we have modern combined oral contraceptives such opportunity.The use of COCs in the so-called “prolonged mode” not only gives a woman the opportunity to plan the time of the onset of menstruation, but also improves the quality of her life, as it helps to stop various unpleasant symptoms associated with menstrual bleeding, and can also have a therapeutic effect in the presence of diseases associated with menstrual cycle, ”commented Marina Borisovna Khamoshina, professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RUDN Medical Institute.
70% of women who have ever postponed the onset of “these” days did so because of vacation, 45% because of various important events for them. In third place, of course, romantic occasions. It is difficult not to lose your head on a carefree vacation - according to polls, this happens very often. At least 70% of women taking COCs reported non-compliance with the regimen of the drug. At least 40% of women reported skipping pills during the first week after a hormone-free break. In order not to violate the regime, you can use the daily alarm clock, mobile offers with a reminder or use other electronic devices that doctors can tell about. They can remind you when you need to take a pill, help you navigate when you miss a pill and show at what time you can take a break.
If the calendar is already full of events for months ahead, maybe you should not "go in cycles", but is it better to plan a visit to the gynecologist?


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