
Gift science


They are different: practical and useless, symbolic and romantic, frivolous souvenirs and meaningful gifts. We study the obvious and incredible meanings of gift science.

What NOT to give to loved ones
SHOES: the example of Cinderella, which donated crystal shoes led to the beloved prince, is an exception to the rule. Popular signs say: donated shoes can "lead" the subject of adoration.
UMBRELLA: In China, they believe that such a gift for parting, since the word "umbrella" in Chinese contains a sound that has the meaning of "separation."
GLOVES: symbolize the gap for both romantic and business relationships.
SCISSORS (including as part of a manicure set): they "cut" the connection between people.
WATCH: the most common gift in Western culture, in the eastern - symbolizes the transience of life. Not the best way to remind your loved ones how little time you have left.
EMPTY WALLET OR BAG: you need to put a bill inside, albeit of a slight dignity, so that financial luck does not turn away.
SCARK: draws frustrations and tears into life.
RED ROSES WITH SPIKES: will bring suffering to the relationship, but cream and pink - That's it.
PERFUMES: it is considered a threat to the happiness of the couple, because the fragrance can bring to life the third superfluous and generally brings insincerity into the relationship.

What to give to loved ones
PAIR JEWELRY AND ACCESSORIES: (earrings, Christmas toys, lamps, etc.): the more paired items you received, the more many times your luck will multiply. Consider only that, according to Eastern beliefs, the four are exceptions: 4 items cannot be donated.
MONEY: the amount does not have to be large, but certainly special. If in dollars, then, for example: $ 5, $ 11, $ 51, $ 101, etc.
GOOD LUCK SYMBOLS: frogs, ladybugs, horseshoes, clover leaves, etc.
SWEETS: chocolate, wine and fruit symbolize the wish for a sweet life and prosperity. You can share such gifts, but don’t redistribute them in order not to “throw out” luck from your home.
GLASSES: if you want your loved one to look at things with your eyes.
CLOTH: if you want to be invited more often to this house.
What will bring bad luck in the new year
■ Wear new shoes for the holiday.
■ Leave unwashed dishes after a feast.
■ Lift nuts or fruits off the floor.
■ Get up from the table before the rest of the guests finish the gala dinner.
■ Sew, sew, darn on New Year's Eve.
What will bring good luck in the New Year
■ Candles burning all night: their even flame is the key to happiness in the house for the whole year.
■ Shoes at the threshold, folded neatly in a row: there will be no quarrels and disagreements in such a house.
■ The more holiday cakes and pies in different houses you try, the more successful and lucky you will be in the new year.
Dear bourgeois, users and visitors of the site, what are your New Year signs and traditions? How do you prepare for the most magical night of the year? What gifts do you choose for your loved ones, friends and colleagues?
The article was published on the basis of the journal "Good advice" 12/2014
Text: Zaruhi Grigoryan. Photo: Legion-Media
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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