
How to creatively arrange a nursery


A nursery should stimulate your baby’s imagination and inspire him to play and discover new things.

How to equip a safe and at the same time childishly bright room, which will become the haven of a pirate ship, the heroes of the tales of Narnia or the castle of the princess? We advise you not to forget that many children imagine themselves to be fairy-tale heroes, and we suggest decorating the nursery so that your child's dreams come true.
Safety and functionality are, of course, the most important thing. Furniture and accessories for children's rooms should be made of natural materials. Plugs should be installed on sockets to block children from accessing them, as children, especially small ones, learning the world around them, try to touch everything. Choosing high-quality furniture and accessories, one should not get carried away and forget that the children's room is a space for games and, developing their imagination, kids can break and stain something.
Colors that bring joy
Pastel pink, green and blue are a great choice for a kids room. These colors soothe and give the child a sense of security. Nevertheless, you can choose more saturated tones - juicy and warm shades of orange and green will lift the mood of the child and revitalize the room.Avoid intense red and dark overwhelming colors such as magenta, gray, and black.
Furniture can be used for pleasure.
When choosing furniture for a children's room, first of all, you should think about functionality and safety. Furniture should be appropriate for the age of the child and be made of natural materials. Wooden furniture coated with organic paints and varnishes is very popular. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the bed, chair or table should be with rounded edges!
Ordinary furniture often becomes the starting point for children's imagination - a bed can become an Indian wigwam, a table can be a boat, and chairs can be a train. Some manufacturers take into account the needs and desires of the child and produce furniture in funny, inspiring forms. Bunk beds usually offer room for children's imagination. You can choose models that resemble, for example, a tree house or a royal castle, sometimes such beds are even equipped with a slide. Large beds, of course, should be selected in accordance with the size of the nursery. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can also hang a swing chair in it, then your child’s joy will have no limits, especially on cold winter evenings, when you can swing in the warmth without leaving your home!
Awaken creativity
What child would not like to paint the walls with impunity? True, this game is unlikely to meet the understanding of parents. A compromise can be a wall painted with a special paint.On it you can draw with crayons as on a regular school board. Children of preschool and primary school age are especially fond of drawing on such a wall. It is not necessary to paint the entire wall black; it is enough to paint only a fragment. You can also paint part of the furniture, for example, the head of the bed or the side wall of the cabinet. An additional advantage of special black paint is that it contains magnetic particles - you can attach children's photos and pictures to the wall with such a coating using colored magnets!
A rug that educates and develops
A carpet for the nursery is necessary - every child loves to run around the room barefoot, sit on the floor, often even somersault. So - the floor should be soft and warm. Colored carpets not only protect the child's stay in the room, but also diversify the interior. Some rugs may be educational. On them you can find a map of the world, cities, road signs and pedestrian crossings, or - for the smallest - the alphabet. The developing carpet is suitable not only for somersaulting on it, but will also become a kind of clue for those who, for example, have forgotten where Australia is located.
A well-thought-out approach to the nursery is important for the child to feel comfortable in his room. Furniture and accessories appropriate to his age will bring him more joy than "adults". In a properly organized room there is a place at the same time for fun, learning and leisure!
You will find even more interesting information on this topic here.
Photo: PR.
