
Idea: T-shirt with embroidery floss


Simple embroidery completely changes the appearance of a T-shirt!

A beginner will also cope with the creation of this decor. At the same time, the appearance of a simple plain t-shirt in this case becomes different.

DIY t-shirt embroidery

You will need:

- T-shirt;

- floss of different colors;

- a large hand needle for knitted fabrics with a wide eye;

- scissors.

10 basic stitches for embroidery

Step 1

One of the most interesting and important stages is to choose a combination of floss colors.

Step 2

Use the seams of the finished T-shirt as a guide. Embroidery is done in 6 floss floss. Sew the needle with a simple seam forward, trying to make the stitches and the distances between them approximately the same.

Step 3

Embroider the strips along the side seams, along the bottom of the T-shirt and along the edge of the sleeves. Try to keep the thread loose without pulling the knit.

Step 4

Lay two seams with different threads around the neck.

Step 5

A simple motif, crosses, and so on can be embroidered on a pocket or chest.

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